Residential development


The new Meilibach residential development has four apartment buildings and is ideally nestled into its surroundings. From your apartment you not only gaze upon a structure that has evolved over decades, featuring a wide variety of single and multi-family homes with one or two stories. You also overlook plenty of greenery surrounding the buildings in the immediate vicinity. The "outdoor living room" allows you to unwind and thoroughly enjoy your free time in this beautifully situated residential area. Even working from home hardly feels like work here. The open layout of the four buildings provides even more space and opportunities to shape your individual quality of life. An additional, fifth building, not part of the offer, rounds off the residential complex at the rear.



The four two-tone houses were planned and designed by the renowned Zurich architects Züst Gübeli Gambetti. Thanks to the chosen base color and complementary accent color, the small residential complex with its muted tones blends in and fits perfectly into the surroundings. Another advantage of the subtle color scheme is that the clean, elegant lines of the buildings stand out exceptionally well. Together with the large windows, this creates a light-filled ambiance that is both inviting and cozy right from the first glance. Bright, clear, elegant, and spacious, the apartments provide ample space for you to create your very own personal haven. The architects Züst Gübeli Gambetti have laid the groundwork for you.

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